Helping EST advise consumers on how to be more energy efficient
Energy Saving Trust
Energy App
Tutorial Video
Energy Saving Trust (EST) is an independent organisation – working to address the climate emergency.
A respected and trusted voice on energy efficiency and clean energy solutions, EST:
Work with governments to deliver transformative energy programmes.
Support businesses with energy efficiency strategies, research, assurance and communications, enabling them to play their part in building a sustainable future.
The Government has set UK Energy Suppliers strict targets to rollout smart meters to all of their domestic and small business customers.
As part of this roll-out Energy Suppliers are required to offer Energy Efficiency advice to the domestic customer at the point of installation. They must also provide evidence that this advice has actually been supplied.
Generic App Screens

In their role, supporting Energy Suppliers to provide energy efficiency strategies, EST appointed Plum Ideas to develop an app that would provide Smart Meter installers, employed by the Energy Suppliers, with a tool that would allow them to provide Energy Efficiency advice to customers in a simple, fun and engaging manner, at point of installation. In addition the app would also track and monitor the advice given to the consumer and provide a reporting mechanism for audit purposes.
Plum branded, scoped and developed an app and user portal that captured data supplied by the consumer relating to those areas of the home where they required energy efficiency advice.
Energy Eddie, our helpful virtual installer, walked the consumer through each room in the home - presenting different scenarios and asking questions relating to energy usage. From the response provided by the consumer, the app calculated just how much money they could save, if they made some very simple changes to their home and/or attitude and habits.
The app then emailed a survey to the consumer, via the portal, showing exactly where these savings could be made and the actions the consumer should take.
Energy Suppliers were able to upload to the app, all the Smart Meter installations the installers was required to do on a given day, track in real-time the jobs attended, the advice given and the potential saving that the consumer could make.

E Version of the App
Personalised Email

The EST Energy Eddie app has proved incredibly successful, with multiple Energy Suppliers across the UK implementing it across their Smart Meter installation strategy.
The app has delivered over 300,000 energy efficiency reports to consumers in the past 2 years - highlighting in excess of £22M worth of energy savings the consumer could make with some simple home improvements and changes to their energy usage habits.
We’re here to listen and work with you to build your business through original and cost-effective creative communications.
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